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Promotion and Sale of Beaded Craft Work for the Osiligi Women’s Craft Cooperative

Location: Kenya

David Weeks collaborated with Kikanae Punyua to establish the Osiligi Women’s Craft Cooperative to provide a market for the women to receive income for their beaded crafted work. Napanu, the leader of this Cooperative was transported by David and Kikanae to the Naboisho Women’s Craft Center near the Maasai Mara wildlife preserve in Kenya. There, she learned about Naboisho’s Fair Trade practices and how to develop fine quality crafted items to sell in the global marketplace.

David Weeks has marketed items at a church mission outreach fair, and a school international craft show in Maryland  and at a Fair Trade shop in Delaware. The Wings of Hope Global Cooperative provides funds to the Osiligi Women’s Craft Cooperative for craft materials and the profit from the sale of marketed craft items are returned to the women to provide them with some income to support family needs.